Save your money and avoid buying a whole new turn plate when you can repair a used with SARV’s original spare parts !!
SARV Introducing Wheel Alignment Turn Table Rebuild Kit 1105417 for standard 14” turn tables which contains complete repair kit with locking pins to repair/rebuild a used turn plate. It offers all the Original parts used to make a new Turn Plate/table at our factory.
With this rebuild kit you can make your old turn plates function like new ones.
The rebuild kit can be universally used with any turn plate upto 14”
The kit contains :
1) 54 Celcon Ball Bearings which help in easy sliding of the top plate of the turn table. A standard turn plate/ turn table uses 27 balls.
2) Ball Bearing Retainer Rings with Springs and Washers which are already assembled.
3)Hardware of screws.
1)Disassemble the old/worn out turntable and remove the top plate, old ball bearing retainer ring assembly and the celcon balls.
2)Replace with new Ball bearing retainer assembly and place the celcon balls in the holes of the ring.
3)Cover with top plate and re-assemble with the given hardware!
4)Ready to use for your next Alignment!To order your latest Wheel Alignment Turn Table repair kit from anywhere worldwide or to enquire about other SARV accessories ( Wheel Balancing Accessories , Tyre Changing accessories, Wheel Alignment Accessories , Tyre Service , Repair & Valve Tools , Tyre Levers , Puncture Repair Kits etc ) from our complete range, write to us at [email protected] or visit our website