- Tyre pastes lubricate the tyres beads and aid in mounting /demounting processes by temporarily softening it
- It is specifically made to make tyre changing operations easy , faster and damage free.
- They are quick drying in mature and hence prevent the rims from slipping of the tyre once the mounting is completed.
- They are universal in nature and do not corrode or erode any kinds of rims.
Sarv offers a variety or tyre brushes to go long with tyre pastes suiting your need.
- For ex Special angle on the tyre brushes helps in easy application of the tyre pasts on/in the beads and rims.

To order your Tyre Pastes & Brushes anywhere worldwide or to enquire about other SARV accessories ( Wheel Balancing Accessories , Tyre Changing accessories, Wheel Alignment Accessories , Tyre Service , Repair & Valve Tools , Tyre Levers , Puncture Repair Kits etc ) from our complete range, write to us at [email protected] or visit our website www.sarveshwari.com