Flexible Pump Rings

A very common problem during tyre inflation is air leakage from the space between tyre bead and the rims. This delays the total tyre inflating process.
Sarv’s introduces in its product range, Flexible Pump Rings (224224) One-piece flexible rubber tube to avoid leakage while inflating hard-to-seat radial, bias-belted, or conventional truck tires.
As the tire is inflated, the lubricated bead seater (Flexible Pump Ring) forms a seal between the rim and tire, allowing the air pressure to force the beads into the rim flange. As proper pressure is reached inside the tire, the bead seater slides out off the rim. Use bead lubricant with bead seaters to make them easily slide over the rim.
“DIY” Steps to use Sarv’ Flexible Pump Rings/ Bead Seaters

Place the Lubricated Pump ring on the rim

Invert the tyre

Fill in the air/Nitrogen.

Pump ring automatically pops out once the tyre is inflated due Air Pressure.